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Welcome to Parmenion

We’re delighted to be working with you and your financial adviser to help achieve your financial goals.


Assets under management




Adviser firm partnerships

B Strong

AKG Financial Strength (2023)

Please note:
  • Past performance is no indication of future returns.
  • You could get back less than you pay in.
  • There’s no guarantee that investment solutions or funds will meet their objectives.
  • The value of investments can go down as well as up.

Who are Parmenion?

Parmenion look after almost £9bn of investments for more than 1,500 adviser firms across the UK.

We’re the people who help your adviser invest your money once you’ve agreed your financial plans. Your adviser chose us because they believe we’re best at taking care of your money and helping you achieve your financial goals over the long term.

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First-rate technology

We provide a modern and intuitive ‘investment platform’ that helps your adviser, along with more than 5,000 others, place money into an investment option, based on the objectives they’ve decided with you.

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Investment management choice

We offer a straightforward range of expertly managed investments, designed to meet all sorts of planning needs and risk appetites. From retirement income, to ethical investment, we aim to provide choice and control to help your financial adviser find the right investment solution for you. 

We also give financial advisers the tools to build their own investment solutions, or if they have a preferred investment partner, use them on our platform too.

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Always here, for you and your adviser

Your financial adviser should be your first port of call if you have any questions linked to your investments with Parmenion, but we’re here to talk too. If we can help in any way, please contact us.
